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Resources and Customizations

Explore OsmAnd

OsmAnd is a powerful app with a wide user base, and beyond its official documentation, there are numerous resources created by the community.

This article collects links to custom user manuals, social media groups, plugins, map styles, and more. Explore these resources to expand your knowledge, customize your OsmAnd experience, and connect with other users.

Social Media Groups

To connect with other OsmAnd users, ask questions, and share your experience, join one of the many social media groups dedicated to the app. These groups are vibrant communities where users can exchange tips, discuss features, and seek advice.

PlatformGroup NameDescriptionLink
FacebookOsmAnd users community (English)This is a group where OsmAnd users can help other users.Facebook
FacebookOsmand-gebruikers (Dutch)Wil je op de hoogte blijven van updates en/of wijzigingen in de app "Osmand", dan lees je deze hier. Ook tips, vragen, opmerkingen zijn welkom.Facebook
FacebookOSMAND+ Aide Partage et Astuces (French)Aide Partage et AstucesFacebook
FacebookLC8 Rally OsmAnd user group (English)To exchange experiences with the OsmAnd usage.Facebook
FacebookOsmand Italian's friends (Italian)To exchange experiences with the OsmAnd usage.Facebook
Google GroupsOsmand (English)A group where users share tips, answer questions, and discuss OsmAnd's functionalities.Google Groups
RedditOsmAnd - discussion and supportThe Reddit community for OsmAnd users. Ask questions, share experiences, or show off your custom map styles.Reddit OsmAnd
TelegramOsmAnd News channel (English)The official OsmAnd group for announcements and updates directly from the developers.Telegram OsmAnd
TwitterOsmAnd news channelOfficial OsmAnd group for live discussions, announcements, and updates.Twitter OsmAnd
InstagramOsmAnd news channelA community where you can chat, share tips, and get help with OsmAnd features.Instagram OsmAnd


The list below provides converters for various data types supported by OsmAnd, allowing users to transfer, modify, and integrate different data formats.

KMZ to GPXPython script to convert KMZ files to GPX format, including icons.GitHub
KML to GPXPython script to convert KML files to GPX format with icons. Other tools available.GitHub
GarminTool for converting Garmin Basecamp files to OsmAnd.GitHub
GeoPDF/Tiff, ozi to OsmAndConversion of geoPDF, geoTiff, and ozi map formats to OsmAnd.GitHub
GPX to KMLTool to convert OsmAnd GPX files to KML format, preserving icons.GitHub
iOverlander GPX to OsmAndPython script to convert iOverlander GPX files exported to OsmAnd with icons.GitHub

Custom Resources


OsmAnd's official documentation is thorough, but the community has also produced an array of custom manuals to help users with specific features and use cases.

These manuals, available in multiple languages, often provide unique insights, tips, and tricks that might not be covered in the official guides. These resources are convenient additions to the official OsmAnd User Guide, offering more information about the app's features.

Spanish¿Qué es OsmAnd y para qué sirve?Goiena
SpanishEste manual tiene el fin de explicar detalladamente todas las funciones que tiene esta app, entre ellas explicar de qué manera funciona el waypoint, los tracks y el Go to. Todo ello con la intención de obtener más herramientas para la navegación virtual y que sirva como herramienta para los trabajos geodésicos.Geodesia
SpanishOSMAnd, alternativa libre a Google Maps con muchas funciones.Mapcolabora
CzechOsmAnd CZ je český web podporující navigaci OsmAnd. Najdete zde návody, testy, tipy, aktuality a recenze.OsmAnd CZ
FrenchCes tutoriels sont désormais disponible sur cette chaîne YouTube.RandoVélo
ItalianGuida non ufficiale a OsmAnd, l'app di cartografia e navigazione per Android e iOS -- In Italiano!GuidaOsmAnd
DutchOsmAnd Handleiding 2021.OsmAnd Handleiding 2021
DutchOsmAnd Nederlandse instructie.Nederlandse instructie
DutchFilmpjes zijn door mij gemaakt met korte en duidelijke uitleg over de werking van
DeutschOsmand Anleitung: Kostenlose Karten- und Navigations AppRudis Smartphone Tipps
РусскийНавигация для бездорожья, экспедиций, воды (и не только)! OsmAnd! – пора сменить олдскульный Ozi-к, не теряя генштаба, спутника, openstreetmap, и прочих прелестей! Инструкция, Руководство и Фишки!Drive2


The following is a list of custom plugins developed by the OsmAnd team and its user community, offering enhanced functionality for specific use cases.

NameDescriptionPlugin's Link
OsmAnd RenderingThe plugin adds Enduro, CycloRoute, and Hiking map styles (more info here) and 5 new profiles (Pedestrian, Bicycle, and three Motorcycle profiles). It also provides online maps for Spain, France, Norway, Suisse, Austria, Belgium, and Argentina via the Maps & Resources menu in the OsmAnd rendering online maps folder.OsmAnd Rendering
Rahal Team map of Saudi ArabiaA professional offline map of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including topographical features, roads, cities, villages, and water sources. Perfect for desert trips. Visit Rahal Maps for more information.🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia maps by Rahal Team
3D modelThis package adds a 3D model option for profiles. Customize appearance through the menu: OsmAnd menu → Settings → Profile → Profile appearance → choose 4th-5th icons of Position icon.3D model
AnyGIS online maps collectionA collection of various online map sources including satellite, tourist, and historical maps, among others.Anygis
Map LegendThis package adds an offline map legend (version 1.01; 03-04-2024), accessible via Menu → My Places → Favorites → Map legend. The map legend is also available at this locationMap Legend
🇺🇸 The USA MapsA collection of US maps featuring Public lands (PAD-US 3.0), USFS Trails and Roads, The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and Parcel data (Private Lands) for some states. All public and private land maps were categorized by state. BLM and USFS map data were divided into Roads and Trails and POIs for the entire United States territory. The maps are in OBF format for OsmAnd. More info on Reddit.The USA maps
🇵🇱 UMP map of PolandUMP covers most of Poland with an ongoing development effort. For a long time, the name UMP-pcPL (mapą prawie całej Polski) was used.UMP map of Poand
Outdoor ExplorerThis plugin includes a lightweight map style that improves the visibility of unpaved roads and trails in OsmAnd.Outdoor Explorer

Map Styles

The default render.xml (Map Style) file can be modified to suit individual preferences. The following is a table of map styles suggested by users.

Source NameDescriptionLink
Gravel Roads SeekerMap style offering a better visualization of the road surface, distinguishing between paved and unpaved roads (French web page).Gravel Roads Seeker
OsmAnd RenderingA collection of access to online maps, topographic maps, orthophotos, and other geographic resources available from some of the main geographic institutions in different countries. Updates are ongoing, but if any files are out of date, users are encouraged to notify.Online Maps: ARG, AT, BE, CH, ES, FR, NO
TopoHAWaterA topographic map with a Hide All Water option, contributed by mariush444.TopoHAWater.osf
UniMapThe repository is designed to provide custom map styles created by users for other users.UniMap from GitHub
OsmAndRailwayStylesOffline map styles focused on railways, using a color scheme similar to OpenRailwayMap.OsmAndRailwayStyles GitHub
Highlighted Admin BoundariesThe map rendering style is based on the OsmAnd default, with more highlighted Administrative Boundaries for improved visibility.Highlighted Admin Boundaries
Open Fiets mapThe Openfietsmap is a cycling-focused map style, highlighting cycle lanes (in red), cycle routes (blue dashed), cycle paths (red dashed), and roads with limited vehicle traffic, such as bicycle streets (solid red borders).OpenFietsMap-style GitHub
Selection Map Style"Selection" Map Style is a map style by Holder Tamm that allows you to choose whether to hide certain objects or not."Selection" Map Style

Offline Maps

Custom vector maps (OBF files) generated by users.

Source NameDescriptionLink
OpenSuperMapsMaps generated by pnoll1, offering detailed vector maps.OpenSuperMap
UMP PLUMP-pcPL - an alternative map of Poland.UMP-PL plugin

Online Maps Collection

The following table lists various online map sources prepared by users, offering access to specialized map data from different geographical regions and services.

Gravel Roads SeekerGravel roads map (webpage in French). An online map generated in real-time from tile servers, such as WMTS (Web Map Tile Service) or WMS (Web Map Service).Gravel Roads Seeker
OsmAnd RenderingA collection of online maps, including topo, orthophotos, and others, available from some of the main geographical institutes of different countries.OsmAnd Rendering GitHub
RainViewerRainViewer map with various color schemaRainViewer-osf data
Basemap AT WMTSThe set of maps of Austria based on WMTS created by mariush444Austria-basemap.osf
OsmAnd maps IGN (FR)The set of maps provided of the French geographical institute IGN.OsmAnd maps IGN (FR) - GitHub
AnyGis maps collectionThe site provides a collection of maps for country holidays, including tourist, mountain, nautical maps, and many others.AnyGis

Engage with OsmAnd: Share, Suggest, and Connect

If you have any suggestions for new map styles, plugins, or maybe you would like to contribute with your own creations to expand OsmAnd community resources, then please contact us. We appreciate and welcome your contributions to further develop OsmAnd database.