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OsmAnd GPX

The OsmAnd's GPX file format conforms to the GPX 1.1 specification with additional data written as extensions. There are several sections of such data:

Track appearance​

The following parameters customize the appearance of a track on the map. They are used inside the "gpx" tag and apply to all tracks contained in the gpx.


NameSpec and Purpose
[show_arrows]Bool. "true" or "false". Show / hide arrows along the path line.
[width]String. "thin", "medium", "bold" or number 1-24. Width of the track line on the map. The thin, medium, and bold are style depended values (should be defined as currentTrackWidth attribute).
[color]String. Hex value "#AARRGGBB" or "#RRGGBB". Color of a track line on the map.
[split_type]String. "no_split", "distance" or "time". Split type for a track.
[split_interval]Double. Split interval for a track. Distance (meters), time (seconds).


<gpx version="1.1" creator="OsmAndRouterV2" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

Details of a track point (trkpt)​

Written to a gpx file while recording a track.

  • speed (meters per second)
  • heading (0-359 degrees)


  <trkpt lat="52.397799" lon="4.575998">

Calculated route(s)​

This data contains all details of a route built with OsmAnd (route segments, turns, road names, road types, restrictions, etc.). The route can be completely restored as if just built, even in the absence of the respective offline maps.

A gpx file may contain several routes. Each of them is contained in a specific segment under trkseg / extensions. A gpx file is saved in this form when exporting a constructed route or when saving a track that consists of several separate segments via the Plan a route functionality.

Plan a route also adds one (or several, in accordance with the number of contained separate segments / tracks) rte blocks to the gpx file, containing route key points (rtept).

Gpx structure:​

// List of segment points. The order of the points corresponds to the order and length of the route segments (<route><segment length="x" ... />).
// The value of the "length" attribute corresponds to the number of points in this segment of the route.
<trkpt ... ></trkpt>
// List of route segments
<segment ... />
// Properties of segments included in the route.
// This data is taken from offline maps during the initial construction of a route.
<type ... />

// List of intermediate route points. If there are multiple routes, the order of the rte list matches the order of the route segments.
<rtept ... />
// For routes built with the "Plan route", the parameters of key points are saved.
// If rtept is not first and last, before it (with the same idx) trkpt will be with the same data.
// Route profile type for next segment (car, bicycle, pedestrian, etc.).
// The index of the point in the gpx segment that corresponds to the first point of the calculated route for this segment.
// If rtept is not first and last, before it (with the same idx) trkpt will be with the same data.

Important properties:​

  • trkpt_idx of first rtept in trkseg is 0. So, if there are two trksegs, there will be two rtepts with trkpt_idx = 0
  • trkpt_idx of last rtept in trkseg is equal to number of trkpts in trkseg minus 1. For example, if trkseg has 12 trkpts, trkpt_idx of last rtept should be 11
  • Neighbouring route segments of are overlapping: the end of previous segment and start of next segment is the one and same trkpt.
  • There is exception when neighbouring route segments don't overlap (don't share the same trkpt). It happens when there is rtept "between" route segments. End of previous route segment is one trkpt, and start of next route segment is another rtept. But these two trkpts are totally equal by lat, lon and other params.
  • Route segment overlapping can be detected via length and startTrkptIdx (the latter is used only for convenience of human reading):
    • If sum of startTrkptIdx and length of prevous route segment equals startTrkptIdx of next route segment, route segments are not overlapping
    • If sum is less by one, then route segments are overlapping
  • There can be straight route segments. They are marked with id="-1". They can appear in two cases:
    • It is multiprofile route, and user selected straight line
    • User placed rtept too far away from closest road, so osmand made straight line between rtept and road
  • trkpts = length - (segments - 1) + (rtepts - 2), where:
    • trkpts - amount of trkpts inside trkseg
    • length - sum of all lengths of route segments inside trkseg
    • segments - amount of route segments inside trkseg
    • rtepts - amount of rtepts owned by trkseg


<gpx version="1.1" creator="OsmAndRouterV2" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Fri 06 Nov 2020</name>
<name>Fri 06 Nov 2020</name>
<trkpt lat="52.3639849" lon="4.8900533">
<trkpt lat="52.3636917" lon="4.8922849">
<trkpt lat="52.3636885" lon="4.892309">
<trkpt lat="52.3636426" lon="4.8922902">
<trkpt lat="52.363564" lon="4.8922607">


<segment id="7372058" length="3" segmentTime="178.44" speed="1.11" turnType="C" types="0,1,2,3,4,5,6" names="57" />
<segment id="334164679" length="5" segmentTime="86.11" speed="1.11" turnType="TR" turnAngle="91.88" types="7,8,0,9,10,11,12,13,6" pointTypes=";;14,15;16,17,18;" names="58" />
<segment id="334603581" length="6" segmentTime="75.5" speed="1.11" types="19,20,21,7,8,0,22,9,10,11,12,13,23,6" pointTypes=";14;16,24;16,24;14;" names="58" />
<segment id="446707354" length="3" segmentTime="8.32" speed="1.11" turnType="TSLL" turnAngle="-25.44" types="19,25,21,7,8,22,9,1,11,12,13,6" names="58" />
<type t="lit" v="yes" />
<type t="oneway" v="yes" />
<type t="highway" v="unclassified" />
<type t="surface" v="paving_stones" />
<type t="maxspeed" v="30" />

<rtept lat="52.3639945" lon="4.8900532">
<rtept lat="52.3612797" lon="4.8911677">
<rtept lat="52.356996" lon="4.8912071">
<rtept lat="52.3542374" lon="4.8947024">

Tags name for sensor data​

Increased compatibility of OsmAnd tracks with Strava and Garmin Basecamp. Temperature, Heart Rate, Bicycle Power, Bicycle Cadence, and Bicycle Speed sensors are enrolled in the Garmin extension scheme.


GPX Collection in OsmAnd Binary Format (OBF)​

It's possible to convert multiple GPX files into OsmAnd Maps (.obf), so this collection could contain thousands GPX tracks and work flawlessly. Specific features such as special icons on the map, track lines appearance, search functionality are supported via GPX extensions tags.

Map line display​

Example (to do). To be supported: color could be defined on trkseg, trk, metadata.

NameOBF nameSpec and Purpose
colorcolorColor track is converted to predefined list (link) of colors
osmand:widthgpx_widthWidth track to be displayed (converted to thin/thick/bold/medium), by default medium if not parsed
shield_bg, shield_fg, shield_fg2, shield_text, shield_textcolor-Displays shields similar to OSMC (link) symbols in OsmAnd
osmand:use_osmc_colorsuse_osmc_colorsNow modifies color, width - displays transparent colors and different width. To be replaced with color / width?

Map waypoints display​


  • ...

General Track Info​

NameOBF nameSpec and Purpose
ele, lat, lonMap section: ele_graph, start_ele. POI calculated: uphill, downhill, distance, max_ele, min_ele, start_ele, finish_eleTo restore inforrmation about altitude
speed, lat, lonPOI calculated: avg_speed, ...To restore general information about speed

Use route_id vs osm_id. Suggestion: differentiate OSM objects and other objects by prefix "OSM-...".

  • ...
  • ...

Route Context menu​

  • Description (POI section)
  • Custom extension tags are not supported yet (POI section)

Waypoint Context menu​

  • Description (POI section)
  • Custom extension tags are not supported yet (POI section)